Packed Crowds and Big Air at the Oregon State Fair
OUTDOOR PERFORMANCES INCLUDE: * Custom arena perimeter * Sound equipment * 2 - 3 shows a day * 20 - 30 minute shows * World's largest meet greet & pet area * 11 variety of breeds * Multiple acrobatic frisbee dog routines *Educational *Comedy * Crowd participation * Free giveaways
The popular meet, greet & pet area. 11 friendly dogs!
Rescue Dogs
High Flying Rescue Dog "BossKoo"
During the performance J.D. talks about the incredible and talented rescue dogs that have come into his life. He demonstrates the TRAINABILITY and HARD WORK that has gone into his training to bring out the natural and instictual abilities of dogs that need a job.
The stories of his rescue dogs are inspirational and are a great way of encouraging people to adopt, rescue or foster dogs in need of homes.
These working dogs that have become part of the K9 Kings will amaze everyone with their natural working abilities and sweetness shown after every performance at the meet, greet and pet area.
Acrobatic Trick Dog Routines
The young trickster Border Collie "Icicle"
Each perfomance demonstrates the amazing ATHLETICISM of these amazing working dogs. They will captivate the audience with their skills of spinning, flipping and jumping.
From the smallest dog to the largest these dogs love to show off for the packed crowds...
The best part of watching these dogs performing is they LOVE it!!!
Audience Participation
Kids swarming during our show
AUDIENCES participate in the show! Kids & adults get a chance to throw a frisbee to one of the famous dogs. From start to end, crowds become part of the show... And of course the FINAL part of the show, MEETING ALL 11DOGS!
Multiple K9 Routines
Working 3 dogs together at the San Joaquin County Fair
A CROWD FAVORITE! It's not very easy to train a dog to play frisbee...try multiple dogs at the same time.
J.D. introduces each K9 athlete and then performs amazing DOG COMBINATION frisbee tricks and catches throughout the ENTIRE ARENA.
World's Largest Meet Greet & Pet Area
11 dogs getting some love from the crowds
The show is highlighted at the end of the performance with the MEET, GREET and PET area.
ALL of the dogs that performed ( 11 dogs ) will be together after the show for everyone to pet in a controlled environment.
Each dog is FRIENDLY, SOCIALIZED and GREAT WITH KIDS! J.D. talks about dog training after every show and loves interacting with the people talking about their pets...
J.D. Platt's K9 Kings Entertainment - The K9 Kings Flying Dog Show - Phone: 541-788-1967